
Giuliana Valpasso

Giuliana Valpasso



Núcleo Estadual de Proteção Animal Visual Identity I developed for a project by the Secretariat for the Environment and Sustainability during my internship at INEA (State Institute for the Environment). The project envisaged: the implementation of animal care centers in the 92 municipalities in the state of RJ; the establishment of environmental conservation measures focused …

NEPA Read More »

Canva Templates

Canva templates Some arts I’ve done for editable Canva templates. Focus on small businesses. Anyone can download and use it. Algumas artes que já fiz para templates editáveis do Canva. Foco em pequenos negócios. Qualquer um pode baixar e utilizar.  You can access my profile here Você pode acessar meu perfil aqui Related Portfolio Items Social …

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Social Media

Social Media Art Some social media arts I made for a medical marketing company. Artes para redes sociais que fiz para uma empresa de marketing médico. Related Portfolio Items Book cover and illustrations “Marinha do Brasil” Book Design Os Piratas Fantasmas